


Courses & Workshops

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Resource Centre

Interaction for Leadership

Primary Health Care


General Interest

Articles and Lectures

Letters from an Economist

Discussion Forum

Weekly Review


Welcome to!
Interaction for Leadership ) 


Over the coming months I will be building my section of this course ready for use by the fourteen young men and women who have been selected for this special training programme. The following are a series of notes, resources and links that might be of use to those who I will meet in March.


-Developing our understanding of Africa

Note : in order to use these links, you will first have to go to the community home page of the EU Economics and Business section.

Within the above, you will find the following useful files.

-Good Governance
-Good Governance Useful Links
-Debt Relief
-Developing Economies - this includes a range of links covering the history of Freetown, -Fourah Bay College and Sierra Leone. Together with links covering colonialism and slavery.
-EU Economies - Country Profiles
-EU Economies - Old Member States
-EU Enlargement
-Fair Trade
-Famous Economists
-Global Issues
-Human Rights
-International Organisations
-Major World Economies
-Politics and Political Systems
-Poverty Reduction Schemes
-UN Millennium 2000 Project
-World Affairs
-Building Awareness

-BBC World Service

Working Papers:

-Building Self Confidence
-Conflict Resolution
-Developing Personal skills
-Developing Value Systems
-Leadership Training
-Poverty Reduction Schemes
-Strategic Thinking

-Global Economic Trends
-Interaction Challenges
-General resources
UNESCO and Education for All
-Critical Thinking
-Politics and Pluralism

-Aid Vs Business
-What Progress is being made towards the millennium goals?
-Topics for a more dynamic ILP

Discussion Topics:


-How might globalisation affect your economy in the coming years?
Background Papers


-What expectations will the electorate have from government in 2020 ?
-Background Papers
Current Economic Systems

-Some Notes on Economic systems

New leadership papers:

-HSBC Economic Brief 1
-HSBC Economic Brief 2
-HSBC Euro Charts

Towards Gleneagles, the G8 Summit:

The Road to Gleneagles G8 Summit
-Issues to be Considered at the G8 Summit

-Arms Spending In Africa
-Useful Data Concerning Africa

-Fair Trade
-Why Some Countries Have Lost Out.
-Some Trends in Foreign Direct Investment into Africa
-Aid Flows & Debt Relief
-Make Poverty History
-Can Globalisation Continue?
-Africa, The Early Days
-Can Africa Deliver Good Governance?
-Where is the Challenge?
-What is the G8?

-Live 8
-Monitor the G8 Summit

-World Trading Blocks
-Poor Countries and Trade

The following is a recent economic report on Sierra Leone. It is in four parts.

-Part One
-Part Two
-Part Three
-Part Four

Some more suggested readings prior to the sessions scheduled for 30th and 31st March 2005.

-Short Economic History of Post-World War II World
-The roadmap to peace in the Middle East

The following two power point presentations will be used as part of the sessions to be held on 30th and 31st March 2005.

Further details on slides:
-Slide 2
-Slide 3
-Slide 4,5,& 6
-Market Failure

Further details on slides:
-Slide 1
-Slide 2, 3 & 4
-Final Slides

Reports on Workshops:

-Workshop 1
-Workshop 2

Copy of CD Rom - Data, facts and figures for use during 30th and 31st March sessions.