


Courses & Workshops

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Resource Centre

Interaction for Leadership

Primary Health Care


General Interest

Articles and Lectures

Letters from an Economist

Discussion Forum

Weekly Review


Welcome to!
Sierra Leone)

This section of the site is entirely dedicated to Sierra Leone. Feel free to browse around the various links and articles related to this country.


-useful sites
-WTO Meeting

Current issues :

Towards 2007
Privatization of water
UN Integrated support council

Aids Vs Business
Global changes 2006 
Increasing awareness
Debt relief deal 

Address to Parliament- 4th April 2005

Address to Parliament

Various Articles

30 Years On - A four part series looking back at a recent visit.
30 Years On - Part 2
30 Years On - Part 3
30 Years On - Part 4
The current affairs club
British Council Lecture
Africa - a personal analysis

New Link!! - African Leprosy Aid!

Fourah Bay College - University of Sierra Leone - Economics Department

The following materials have been designed to assist students in their various courses of study. The materials are based on the sylluabus documents given to me by the Head of Department. Wherever possible the materials will offer a comprehensive range of notes for the topics to be studied, some questions and answers. A selection of relevant websites are also included.

Useful links for building your course notes

A useful site of free resources:

An introduction to basic economics including demand, supply and elasticity

The costs of production – short and long run

An excellent set of notes on production costs and their influence on resource allocation and decision-making.

Another excellent set of power point presentations on all microeconomics topics that include costs and production

A set of notes and diagrams on costs, including economies and diseconomies of scale.

Another site you might like to visit: – looking for ways of encouraging international understanding.

Perfect Competition


An excellent set of notes etc in which Monopoly and Imperfect Markets are analysed

A full lecture on the workings of a Monopoly

Competitive Theory

A complete set of notes and slides on competitive theory

An excellent set of slides etc on Game Theory and the application of economic to management.

An excellent set of notes slides etc on Investment Appraisal.

More advanced coverage of competitive theory

More detailed materials on firms and markets, including the application of economic theory to the world of business.

Excellent slides on Game theory and other applications of competitive theory.

Some first class presentations on the theory of the firm and moving onto welfare issues and choice and risk.

Second Year Microeconomics

Third Year Microeconomics

Macroeconomics - A series of links that build into a comprehensive coverage of basic and more advanced macroeconomics
Macroeconomics 1
Macroeconomics 2
Macroeconomics 3


Initial Studies

Economic History:

Sierra Leone

Agricultural economics:

Agricultural economics

Websites of General Interest to those studying Economics

- A comprehensive list of Student Based resources

- Seminar at Fourah Bay College (Economics Department) on Development Strategies

- Sierra Leone Weekly Economics News, with websites for course building - week one
Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week two
- Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week three
Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week four
Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week five
- Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week six
- Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week seven
- Sierra Leone Weekly Economic News - week eight

An Introduction to Microeconomics 

This section contains a fully illustrated basic microeconomics course which is suitable for advanced college students and first year university undergradutates.

The following will develop into a series of exercises designed to cover most introductory micro and macro economics. Wherever possible answers will be given.

Economics 1

Economics 2

Economics 3

Economics 4

Economics Fact Sheet 1
Economics Fact Sheet 2
Economics Fact Sheet 3
Economics Fact Sheet 4
Economics Fact Sheet 5
Economics Fact Sheet 6
Economics Fact Sheet 7
Economics Fact Sheet 8

Business Management Teaching Resources
The following have been designed to assist colleagues who teach business related subjects. They are self-contained exercises, questions and answers.

Business Management - 1
Business Management - 2
Business Management - 3
Business Management - 4
Business Management - 5
Business Management - 6
Business Management - 7
Business Management - 8
Business Management - 9
Business Management - 10
Business Management - 11
Business Management - 12

Business Management - 1
Business Management - 2
Business Management - 3
Business Management - 4
Business Management - 5
Business Management - 6
Business Management - 7
Business Management - 8
Business Management - 9
Business Management - 10
Business Management - 11
Business Management - 12

The process of economic development

Dictionary of Economics

Short Economic History of Post-World War II World

The roadmap to peace in the Middle East

Global Awareness - A course suitable for teachers and students wanting to increase their knowledge of Geopolitical issues

The following are websites that students of economics may find useful.
Newsletter :

Some useful PowerPoint Presentations relating to various parts of an Economics course

Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy

Supply-Side Policies

The Indian Economy

The US Economy -1
The US Economy - 2

The US Economy - 3

The US Economy - 4

For a large number of files relating to the European Union, please go to the Europe section of this site. 

Various Links

Sierra Leone Web
Sierra Leone News
All Africa - Sierra Leone
Friends of Sierra Leone
Special Court for Sierra Leone 
Sierra Leone in Cyberspace

Irin News

Amnesty International

State House

African School Net

Educational Links

African Studies Centre
A Call For Justice
Ethnologue Report
Political Resources
Weather Underground : Sierra Leone
Global Issues : Sierra Leone
World Bank
Amnesty International
Njala University College

The British Council

Fourah Bay College

Site design/backend code © Nathan Scott 2003/2004. All rights reserved.
All other content © John Birchall. All rights reserved.