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Sierra Leone

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Malaria in Sierra Leone)

A survey titled 'Access to Health Care in Post Sierra Leone" conducted by Medecins San Frontiere (MSF) Belgium and Holland in Kambia, Tonkolili, Bombali and Bo districts reveals that malaria accounts for 44 to 63% of under-five deaths in the country.

The study also stated that malaria related deaths account for 25% to 39% of all deaths depending on the district.

The report states that the high mortality rate of malaria in fewer than five children shows the vulnerability of these children.

The report shows that this type of mortality rate is extremely high in Bo district: 2.2 deaths/10.000/day, which is above the emergency threshold for malaria related deaths. The report states that the mortality figures are high and well above international recognized emergency threshold and that the crude mortality rate is almost four times as high as expected in sub-Saharan Africa.

The report also points out that 33% of respondent stated that they have decided to be using non official medical system such as traditional medications and ambulatory pharmacists (pepe doctors) because of lack of money.

The report discloses that there is a very high rate of the use of the non official sector since it is easily accessible, as no consultation fee is needed.